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Dr. Trista Patterson is a globally experienced Sustainability Executive with over 24 years in public and private sectors, and recognized by TIME100: Most Influential Leaders Driving Business to Real Climate Action. Directing Sustainability at Microsoft Xbox, she has formed & sits on boards of large industry and NGO alliances, including the UN Playing For the Planet Alliance, representing the activity of ~1.5 Billion consumers.  Her former roles include Chief Economist at UN Environment Agency GRID-Arendal and as co-founder and Director of Research for Sustainable Operations, USDA Federal Government. In that role her lab established pioneering methodologies for accounting: ROI on large scale renewable energy, Carbon additionality and Carbon credit system integrity for USAID in US, Europe and Asia, the first Carbon Footprints of US Government Operations, and US Government Natural Capital Accounts (recently formalized by the Biden administration in '23). She resides in Sitka, Alaska.

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An initiative for UN Environment to facilitate collaboration, ambitious goal setting, and achievements for the environment by the 20 most influential video game companies in the world (Sony, Microsoft, GoogleStadia, Rovio, Supercell, Sybo, Ubisoft, WildWorks others). The Playing For the Planet Alliance was formally launched 23 September 2019 at UN Headquarters, NYC, to harness the power of their platforms to take decisive action in response to the climate crisis.

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The new Green Economy Africa Synthesis Report -launched at the African Ministerial Conference on Environment (AMCEN) in March 2015 – highlights the key findings of agriculture, energy, water, fisheries, buildings, manufacturing, transport and tourism assessments carried out in eight African countries. (Burkina Faso, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Mauritius, Rwanda, Senegal and South Africa).


This synthesis is a compilation of numerous Green Economy Scoping Studies, Assessments and Sectoral studies which were commissioned by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) at the request of respective governments. The reports examine the opportunities for, and challenges to, a green economy transition.

This synthesis summarizes incentives for ecosystem services relevant to countries of the Hindu Kush Himalayas (HKH) as the region faces pressing environmental and developmental challenges. Rural, mountainous, and marginalized areas are most deeply affected. Deforestation, changes in land use, and unsustainable soil and water management practices present physical challenges, while outmigration, gender inequality, and challenges to health, education, poor infrastructure and market access complicate poverty challenges.


© 2019 by Trista Patterson 

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